Quick Start

Here we present an example to simulate vertical federated learning with FedTree to help you understand the procedure of using FedTree.

Prepare a dataset / datasets

You can either prepare a global dataset to simulate the federated setting by partitioning in FedTree or prepare a local dataset for each party.

For the data format, FedTree supports svmlight/libsvm format (each row is an instance with label feature_id1:feature_value1  feature_id2:feature_value2 ...) and csv format (the first row is the header id,label,feature_id1,feature_id2,... and the other rows are the corresponding values). See here for an example of libsvm format dataset and here for an example of csv format dataset.

For classification task, please ensure that the labels of the dataset are organized as 0 1 2 ... (e.g., use labels 0 and 1 for binary classification).

Configure the Parameters

You can set the parameters in a file, e.g., machine.conf under dataset subdirectory. For example, we can set the following example parameters to run vertical federated learning using homomorphic encryption to protect the communicated message. For more details about the parameters, please refer to here.


Run FedTree

After you install FedTree, you can simply run the following commands under FedTree directory to simulate vertical federated learning in a single machine.

./build/bin/FedTree-train ./examples/vertical_example.conf
./build/bin/FedTree-predict ./examples/prediction.conf